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Last EditedCraverguy  Oct 18, 2010 11:40pm
CategoryOp-Ed by Candidate
News DateOct 18, 2010 02:00pm
DescriptionOn October 12 the White House decided to appeal a federal court ruling that struck down the hateful Defense of Marriage Act. The Obama administration claims that while the president believes DOMA should be repealed, his Justice Department must defend the statute because that is what it “traditionally does when acts of Congress are challenged.”

I am outraged that President Obama would turn his back on the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community. Sadly, he is not the first powerful and influential official who claims to be our friend while at the same time insisting his “hands are tied” when fighting against our rights in the courtroom.

New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg, on behalf of the city, used this ploy in 2005 when he ordered his corporation counsel to appeal New York State supreme court justice Doris Ling-Cohen’s ruling in favor of same-sex marriage based on the equal protection clause of the New York State constitution. Mayor Bloomberg took his antimarriage argument, which included a dose of Leviticus, all the way to the state’s highest court, which ruled in his favor, deciding that LGBT people did not have the right to marriage equality under the state constitution.

Mayor Bloomberg patronizingly insisted that he appealed Justice Ling-Cohen’s decision in order to “spare” same-sex couples the “pain” of being married only to have those marriages voided later by a higher court. He succeeded. No one in New York’s gay community can marry the one he or she loves thanks to Mayor Bloomberg’s actions. He now pretends that he had nothing to do with the court decision and trips over microphones to claim he is our biggest ally.
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