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  Michigan Assistant AG Andrew Shirvell off job after antigay blog
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Last EditedDFWDem  Oct 01, 2010 02:59pm
News DateOct 01, 2010 02:00pm
DescriptionMichigan Assistant Attorney General Andrew Shirvell has taken a personal leave of absence, after a firestorm about his personal blog that attacks a gay University of Michigan student.

After Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox spent Wednesday night on CNN defending Shirvell's right to maintain the blog, his office said today that Shirvell's leave began Thursday and he'll face a disciplinary hearing when he returns.

"Contrary to other reports, he has not been suspended," Cox spokeswoman Joy Yearout said this morning, after Cox's office denied to the Detroit Free Press on Thursday night that Shirvell's job status had changed. "He's taking a leave of absence. It was a personal decision on his part."

She said that the attorney general had no comment on Shirvell's decision, and the office does not know when he'll be returning to his position.
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