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  Board of Equalization needs to go
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ContributorHikikomori Blitzkrieg! 
Last EditedHikikomori Blitzkrieg!  Sep 30, 2010 02:28am
News DateSep 15, 2010 10:00am
DescriptionBoard has become a sinecure for termed-out legislators who cannot envision life off public payroll.

Once again, Californians are being reminded about a festering problem with dollar-and-cents implications.

In a recent 25,000-word, five-part series, journalist Laura Mahoney of the Daily Tax Report detailed how elected Board of Equalization members have a habit of deciding complex cases in favor of certain campaign contributors.

The board was established in 1879 to equalize taxes among counties. That task was completed long ago. California needs to scrap this anachronistic vestige of the 19th century.
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