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  Oprah: 'I think Jon Stewart's on to something' with rally
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ContributorHomegrown Democrat 
Last EditedHomegrown Democrat  Sep 24, 2010 06:55pm
News DateSep 22, 2010 08:55am
DescriptionFamed television host Oprah Winfrey tweeted Tuesday that she thinks Comedy Central's Jon Stewart is "on to something" with his upcoming "Rally to Restore Sanity," to take place on the National Mall.

Winfrey had hosted Stewart on her show Tuesday, where they discussed the rally — meant to parody the "Restoring Honor" event hosted by Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin on Aug. 28 — and Stewart's role in shaping viewers' political opinions.

Stewart's rally is scheduled for Oct. 30 and has already garnered more than 100,000 RSVPs.
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