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  'Toss-Up' race between Hare and Schilling for 17th District representative
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Last Editedev  Sep 17, 2010 08:40am
News DateSep 17, 2010 08:40am
DescriptionSPRINGFIELD -- The Cook Political Report, a bible among election reporters and political insiders, says U.S. Rep. Phil Hare's re-election bid is in trouble.

On Thursday, the respected political publication downgraded Hare's chances of winning the 17th District race.

It now calls the race is a "Toss-Up" where it had previously said the district leaned in Hare's favor.

A Democrat has represented the 17th District since 1982, when Lane Evans won the seat previously held by Republican Tom Railsback.

University of Illinois researcher Jim Nowlan said the change in status for the 17th is 'quite surprising."

"I can't remember the last time that district was a toss-up," he said.

In fact the district was drawn to re-elect Democrats. Critics say the shape, which stretches down the Mississippi River, then cuts across central Illinois and includes portions of Springfield and Decatur is one of the worst cases of gerrymandering.

Nowlan said the geography doesn't matter this year.

"It's the year. There is just so much anxiety among incumbents. Even in the 17th there is a chance that a Republican could mount a challenge," he said.

That Republican, Bobby Schilling, has also just been upgraded the a "Young Gun Candidate" by the National Republican Congressional Committee.
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