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  Christie Fires New Jersey Education Chief Schundler Following Grant Error
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Last EditedJason  Aug 27, 2010 06:18pm
News DateAug 27, 2010 05:10pm
DescriptionNew Jersey Governor Chris Christie fired his education commissioner today, three days after a failed attempt to win $400 million in federal aid.

The commissioner, Bret Schundler, 51, is a former mayor of Jersey City and a champion of charter schools. He is the first cabinet member to depart since Christie, a Republican, took office Jan. 19. The governor announced his firing in a news release.

On a 1,000-page application for a Race to the Top grant, New Jersey lost almost five points for answering a question about the 2008 and 2009 education budgets with information about fiscal 2011.

Those points were more than the margin between New Jersey and Ohio, the last of 10 states to qualify for a share of the aid. In a press conference Aug. 25, the day after the decision, Christie assailed critics, saying the mistake was a “clerical error” that Schundler corrected in an interview with federal officials. He added, “I’m not going to fire anybody over this.”
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