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  Candidates emerge for (Missouri state) House seats
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ContributorPragCon 3.0 
Last EditedPragCon 3.0  Jan 10, 2004 04:33pm
News DateJan 10, 2004 12:00am
DescriptionJEFFERSON CITY, Mo. -- A Cape Girardeau lawyer and a Perryville doctor are Republican candidates for different seats in the House of Representatives likely to be left open as the incumbents look to move up to the Senate.

Nathan Cooper, who works for the Jackson-based Lichtenegger law firm but resides in Cape Girardeau, will run for the seat currently held by House Majority Floor Leader Jason Crowell, R-Cape Girardeau.

Dr. Steven Tilley, an optometrist who practices in Perryville and Marble Hill, is looking to replace state Rep. Kevin Engler, R-Farmington.
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