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  Ploeger disputes Salva’s claims on Sam and Lindsey’s Law
Parent(s) Race  -
Last EditedRBH  Jul 30, 2010 07:30pm
News DateJul 30, 2010 07:00pm
DescriptionA pre-election dispute over authorship of proposed child protection legislation prompted an afternoon press conference at the Jackson County downtown courthouse.

Jeremy Ploeger, a candidate in the Democratic primary for the 51st District in the Missouri House, objected to comments published Friday in The Examiner of Independence. The newspaper quoted State Rep. Ray Salva as criticizing Ploeger for claiming to help write proposed legislation known as “Sam and Lindsey’s Law.”

Salva, who is leaving the post of 51st District state representative because of term limits, also claimed to have written the legislation.

Pleoger said that he became involved in writing the original legislation after initially meeting Tina Porter, the mother of Sam and Lindsey, in May 2009. He and other friends of Porter collaborated on the legislation, he said.

“We worked on the rough draft for months and months,” Ploeger said.

Porter, sitting beside Ploeger at the conference, vouched for that. She also said she had never met Ray Salva.

“I don’t even know him, I have never met him and never spoken to him,” Porter said.
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