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  No charges for Gonzales
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Last EditedJason  Jul 22, 2010 01:53am
News DateJul 22, 2010 01:00am
DescriptionThe Justice Department said Wednesday that it did not intend to charge former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales or any other members of the Bush Administration for their role in the firings of nine U.S. attorneys.

In a letter sent to House Judiciary Chair John Conyers (D-Mi.), Assistant Attorney General Robert Weich said that Attorny General Eric Holder has accepted the recommendation of special counsel Nora Dannehy “that criminal prosecution is not warranted."

The letter did note that Gonzales made "inaccurate and misleading" statements and that his chief of staff made “misleading” statements about the firings, which critics, including Conyers, charged were politically motivated – but said Justice had found “insufficient evidence” to press any charges.

The letter “vindicated“ Gonzales, said one of his lawyers, George Terwilliger, who said “this result refutes the suggestion that any U.S. Attorneys were removed for any improper reasons. Rather, the outcome vindicates our position that U.S. Attorneys are political appointees who serve at the pleasure of the President and may be removed under presidential authority, exercised by the Attorney General, for any proper reason or no reason other than a determination to make a change.
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