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  Trimdon Labour Club falls victim to budget
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ContributorKarma Policeman 
Last EditedKarma Policeman  Jul 03, 2010 06:25pm
News DateJun 27, 2010 06:00pm
DescriptionA famous icon of the New Labour years of Tony Blair is to close, ending an era which saw EU leaders' visits and White House phone calls to a lane in county Durham.

Trimdon Labour Club will shut down next month after struggling with dwindling custom and the death of a volunteer stalwart who looked after the books.

"Ten pounds gets you four pints of lager in the club, and 24 in the supermarket," said secretary Paul Trippett, who will hand over the premises to the landowner for conversion into a different type of bar. "People tell us they'd love to come out but they can't afford to."
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