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  Leahy's Confirmation Threat
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Last EditedNone Entered  Jan 08, 2004 09:07pm
News DateNov 05, 2003 12:00am
DescriptionSenator Patrick Leahy delivered a speech a few months ago announcing his wish for the Bush administration, should a Supreme Court vacancy arise, to consult closely with Democratic senators to secure their approval of prospective nominees. Remarking on the future confirmation process, Leahy wasn't shy about telegraphing his intentions should the administration fail to heed his demand to be placated: His speech's title was "Supreme Court Preview: It Doesn't Have to be Armageddon." Leahy's speech is one more indication, added to the statements of several Democratic presidential candidates, that Democrats plan on waging all-out war against any Bush Supreme Court nominee who refuses to preemptively declare his future judicial rulings on specific legal controversies.

Leahy has made something of a career out of undermining Republican nominees, no matter how talented and well-qualified. During his brief incumbency as the chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Leahy saw to it that few Bush appellate nominees passed through his committee without being subject to a bruising trial of innuendo and partisan attack, if not to scuttle the nominee, then at least to tarnish reputations and hamper effectiveness once the nominee has taken office. And those were the nominees that even received a hearing before his committee.
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