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  Milwaukee Mayor Quits After Sex Scandal
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Last EditedRP  Jan 02, 2004 02:07pm
News DateJan 02, 2004 12:00am
DescriptionWidely credited for sparking an urban renaissance in a blue-collar town blighted by flight to the suburbs, Norquist also was humiliated by a sex scandal involving an aide that curtailed his political career.

Last week, the nation's longest-serving mayor of a city of more than 500,000 left office four months shy of finishing his fourth term — saying he has no regrets about quitting.

"I don't think I was likely to run for another term anyway," said Norquist, who was first elected to a political office in 1974 at age 25. "I will have been in political office for 29 years. ... I think it's probably enough."
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