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  [Dane County RTA] An Ambitious Plan
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Last EditedPenguin  Mar 14, 2010 02:50pm
CategoryPress Release
News DateMar 10, 2010 02:00pm
DescriptionProgressive Dane is a long-time supporter of regional transit solutions. While a significant step was taken when the RTA Board was formed, this is not the end of the process; there is still work to be done. Progressive Dane doesn't just support any old RTA, but rather an RTA "that provides affordable, available and accessible multi-modal public transit with subsidies for elderly, disabled, and low-income residents."

In order to achieve these worthy, but ambitious goals, we must let the RTA Board know that citizens support a fully functioning RTA. We should not let caution sabotage the RTA and prevent it from fully serving all residents of the RTA area. We should not let the naysayers, who ultimately oppose any regional transit, to dictate or delay the RTA plan. Instead, we need to mobilize behind an ambitious plan for the benefit of everyone.

The first steps will involve the decisions of the newly-formed RTA Board. As they move forward, please consider testifying or registering in support of an Ambitious RTA Plan or contacting the RTA board. We’ll keep you posted on the meeting schedule and the RTA board contact information as it becomes available.
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