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  Indiana tea party founder files for senate race
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Last EditedScott³  Feb 19, 2010 06:29am
News DateFeb 18, 2010 06:00am
Description"Indiana tea party founder and Fishers plumbing company owner Richard Behney filed for the U.S. Senate race today.
With a box of signatures in his arms, Behney met the primary filing date and officially entered for his chance to face a Democratic opponent in the fall. Sen. Evan Bayh said earlier this week that he would not seek a third term.

“We the people stood up… and here we are today. I think you’ll see the people standing again come May,” Behney said.

The Republican Party, said Behney, is really out of touch to the people’s needs and people are sick of politics as usual.

“We’re going to show up and work at bringing the party back to more conservative values,” he said."
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