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  Dem lawmaker: Congress could pass health reform if men were 'sent home'
Parent(s) Candidate  -
ContributorBarack O-blame-a 
Last EditedBarack O-blame-a  Jan 24, 2010 06:44pm
News DateJan 24, 2010 06:00pm
DescriptionA female Democratic lawmaker in footage released Sunday said that Congress could pass healthcare reform if female lawmakers "sent the men home."

Rep. Carol Shea-Porter (D-N.H.) said that both Republican and Democratic women members of Congress understand how to care for relatives and thus want the healthcare system to change.

"We go to the ladies room and the Republican women and the Democratic women and we just roll our eyes," she said. "And the Republican women said when we were fighting over the healthcare bill, if we sent the men home..." at which point she was interrupted by loud applause.

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