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  [Jefferson Parish] officials deliver documents to federal grand jury
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ContributorBrandonius Maximus 
Last EditedBrandonius Maximus  Jan 08, 2010 03:15pm
News DateJan 08, 2010 03:00pm
DescriptionNEW ORLEANS- While news of Parish President Aaron Broussard was resigning spread, Jefferson Parish officials began delivering documents requested by a federal grand jury, involving a Jefferson Parish contract with former Broussard Chief Administrative Officer Tim Whitmer’s insurance company and a local landfill company.

Around 9:45 a.m., documents requested by the grand jury arrived at federal court. The bulk of the documents dealt with the contract between Whitmer's company and River Birch Landfill.

Information recently surfaced linking Lagniappe Industries, to River Birch, the company that runs the parish's landfill.

Earlier this week, Whitmer resigned after the parish conducted an internal probe. Deputy Parish Attorney Louis Gruntz told council members close to a dozen parish vendors may of had dealings with an insurance company owned by Whitmer and his wife.
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