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  Sen. McCaskill: ‘It’s OK If I Don’t Get Re-elected’
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Last EditedMonsieur  Dec 31, 2009 04:16pm
News DateDec 31, 2009 04:15pm
DescriptionFreshman Sen. Claire McCaskill uttered seven words rarely heard from a sitting lawmaker: “It’s OK if I don’t get re-elected.”

In a profile in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch Tuesday, the Missouri Democrat, who was elected just three years ago, offered some uncommon candor on life in the Senate and her frustration with the way Washington works.

“I’m very frustrated with some of the habits around here,” she said. “What happens around here is that so many people are more focused on getting everybody to love them and getting re-elected than they are on solving the really hard stuff. Because when you solve hard stuff, you make people mad.”

As she reassesses how to spend the second half of her first term, McCaskill said she is going to focus more on a top priority—government accountability—and less on 2012. “I’ve just kind of decided that, hey, I’m just going to do this, and Missouri’s hard, so there’s a chance, you know, that I won’t get re-elected. And if I don’t, that’s OK. It’s not the end of the world.”
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