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  Stoll Endorsed by Two County Central Democratic Committees
Parent(s) Race  -
Last EditedBenD  Dec 18, 2003 11:06pm
News DateOct 22, 2003 12:00am
DescriptionSteve Stoll has been endorsed by Democratic Central Committees of both Jefferson and Ste. Genevieve Counties. Both committees announced the endorsement at their October meetings.

“I have always been proud to be a Democrat from Jefferson County. Because we’ve worked together, our county is one of the few places in Missouri that is represented in the General Assembly by all Democrats. I am honored to have their support in this new race.”

Speaking to the Ste. Genevieve Committee, Steve thanked them, promising to represent their interests in Congress just a vigorously as Richard Gephardt has for the past 28 years.

SPECIAL NOTE: Stoll has also secured the endorsements of both the Ste. Genevieve and Jefferson County Democrat Clubs.
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