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  William Jefferson sentenced to 13 years in prison
Parent(s) Candidate  -
ContributorBrandonius Maximus 
Last EditedBrandonius Maximus  Nov 13, 2009 04:58pm
News DateNov 13, 2009 04:00pm
DescriptionFormer Rep. William Jefferson was sentenced today to 13 years in prison for his conviction on 11 counts of public corruption in a case in which he famously hid $90,000 in his freezer.

U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III delivered the sentence at a packed courtroom in the federal courthouse in Alexandria, Va. Prosecutors had asked for 27 to 33 years in prison, while Jefferson's lawyers said the prison term should be less than 10 years.

Ellis said that Jefferson, a New Orleans Democrat who served nine terms in Congress, must surrender at the federal correctional facility ultimately selected for his incarceration by the Bureau of Prisons.

Jefferson, 62, was convicted in the same courtroom Aug. 6 of corruption charges by a 12-member jury. The jury acquitted him of five charges.
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