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  Transylvanian mayor nominated to be Roman's new prime minister after gov't is ousted
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Last EditedJason  Oct 14, 2009 11:37pm
News DateOct 14, 2009 11:00am
DescriptionBUCHAREST, Romania — A mayor from a small political party was nominated on Wednesday to be Romania's new prime minister following the collapse of the country's government.

Klaus Johannis, mayor of the central city of Sibiu, held talks with the Social Democrats, the Liberal Party and the party that represents the interests of Romania's 1.4 million ethnic Hungarians. Together, the parties have a comfortable majority in parliament.

They sent the nomination to President Traian Basescu who needs to make an official proposal to Parliament which will then vote on it.

Given the political infighting and economic crisis that brought down Romania's government, the parties that nominated Johannis see it as a plus that his small party has never had a member of Parliament, and that his region of the country - Transylvania - is considered more Western-oriented in its outlook than other areas.

Before meeting with political leaders to discuss the nomination, Basescu said he wants a government of' "national unity" or one formed of mainstream politicians. He did not rule out Johannis, but only if his Cabinet ministers would be from main political parties.
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