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  SC Education Superintendent Rex announces bid for governor
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Last EditedJ.R.  Sep 16, 2009 04:56pm
News DateSep 15, 2009 04:55pm
DescriptionFLORENCE — State Superintendent of Education Jim Rex announced his candidacy for governor Tuesday morning in Florence.

The Democrat said he’s running to be a “turnaround governor” in wake of scandals involving Republican Gov. Mark Sanford.

“My mission will be to create jobs and a growing economy,” he said.

Rex said negative images of the state are hurting attempts to recruit business.

He also said the state’s next leader would have to try to turn the current negative image around.

“I don’t mind being criticized, but I don’t like being laughed at, and increasingly people are laughing at this state because of the whole series of events that have occurred over the last year and months,” Rex said, “ ... and that gets in the way. it gets in the way of economic development, it gets in the way in terms of being a credible state for future investments."
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