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  Clarksville [TN] mayor sends email urging protests over Muslim stamps
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Last EditedServo  Sep 06, 2009 02:10pm
News DateSep 04, 2009 02:00pm
DescriptionClarksville Mayor Johnny Piper forwarded an e-mail [Link] this morning that urges “patriotic Americans” to protest a U.S. Postal Service stamp commemorating two Islamic holidays.

According to a copy of the e-mail obtained by The Leaf-Chronicle, Piper forwarded the e-mail, which had been forwarded several times previously, without comment. Piper sent the e-mail to every City Council member, every department head, and numerous other city employees, friends and family members.

The e-mail falsely claims that the stamp is new, and its creation was ordered by President Barack Obama.

In fact, the stamp was first issued in 2001, and was reissued in 2002, 2006, 2007 and 2008.
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