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  Tories wonder if Jason Kenney next to lead party
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Last EditedMonsieur  Aug 03, 2009 02:10pm
News DateAug 03, 2009 02:00pm
DescriptionOTTAWA -- Raising a future leadership race with Conservatives is like having the sex talk with teenaged kids.

Ewwwwww . . . no way! Can we talk about this some other time?

But who might replace Stephen Harper once he leaves is the stuff of constant speculation behind the scenes -- and the chatter is getting louder about one rising star in particular: Immigration Minister Jason Kenney.

Kenney is whispered about as the potential dark horse in a race that might one day include Defence Minister Peter MacKay, Environment Minister Jim Prentice and Finance Minister Jim Flaherty, to name a few of the names often bandied about.

The 41-year-old workaholic has attracted attention for taking a pain-in-the-butt portfolio like immigration and making it seem like a tier-one department.

"What I like about Jason is he's working very hard, and he's earning people's respect, I think, by doing a lot of things very well," said one caucus colleague.
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