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  Seals and disapproval. It's time for a new Democratic candidate in the 10th
Parent(s) Race  -
Last EditedCOSDem  Jul 31, 2009 04:40pm
News DateJul 28, 2009 04:00pm
DescriptionState Rep. Julie Hamos (D-Evanston) will announce today that she's running for Congress in the North Shore district being vacated by incumbent Republican Mark Kirk. Kirk is running for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Temp. Sen. Roland Burris, a Democrat.

Some Democrats in the district are still partial to Dan Seals, who has run good races against Kirk the last two times out. But -- and this is not meant as a comment either way about Hamos -- Seals has had his chance and should step aside.

Even though Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama handily carried his district in 2008, Seals couldn't pick up enough independent voters to beat Kirk, and in fact lost to him by a bigger margin than he had in 2006. Maybe Seals, who has never help public office, should move, if necessary, and run for Hamos' seat if he lives in her district.
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