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  Ethics committee dismisses complaint against Bartz
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Last EditedCraverguy  May 15, 2009 07:01am
News DateMay 12, 2009 12:00am
DescriptionThe ethics committee of the Iowa Senate dismissed an ethics complaint against Sen. Merlin Bartz, R-Grafton, today.

Earlier this year, Bartz circulated petitions that encouraged county recorders in Iowa to refuse to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

Former state lawmaker Ed Fallon, a Des Moines Democrat, filed the ethics complaint, alleging Bartz used his office and public resources to encourage other elected officials to disobey state law.

On Monday, the six state senators on the ethics committee - three Democrats and three Republicans - dismissed the complaint with little discussion.

“Sen. Bartz had it right - it was freedom of speech,” said Senate President Jack Kibbie, chairman of the ethics committee. “There was nothing unethical about it.”
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