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  GOP Senators Warn Against 'Ideologue' Pick for Court
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Last EditedJason  May 03, 2009 04:26am
News DateMay 01, 2009 04:25am
DescriptionKey Senate Republicans said they are ready to give close scrutiny to President Barack Obama's Supreme Court pick and warned against nomination of someone who conservatives would view as a liberal ideologue.

Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch, a key Republican player on judicial confirmations, reeled off a series of quotes from Mr. Obama saying a judge should show empathy for the poor and disadvantaged, which Mr. Hatch said meant the judge should tilt the playing field.

"By anybody's definition that would be judicial activism," he said in an interview. "Justices on the court should not be for rich or poor, management or labor, or women or men. They should be people who are impartial, and to be honest, [Mr. Obama] seems to believe they should be anything but impartial."
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