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  Colona man may challenge Hare
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Last Editedev  Mar 31, 2009 12:22am
News DateMar 31, 2009 12:00am
DescriptionColona man may challenge Hare

By Brandy Donaldson, bdonaldson@qconline.com
Republican Bobby Schilling, of Colona, is considering a run for U.S. Congress against 17th District Rep. Phil Hare, D-Rock Island, in 2010.

"I am not a politician. I am not running for Congress to further my own personal agenda and my own selfish desires, nor to get my family government jobs," Mr. Schilling posted on his Web site, www.bobby2010.com.

Mr. Schilling said Monday he is not yet ready to announce a campaign platform but is visiting residents throughout the district to find out what's important to them.

"I am running for Congress because, as a father of nine, a local business owner and a member of the community, I cannot sit back any longer waiting for someone to come forward who shares my values and views on our nation's potential to be even greater," Mr. Schilling posted.
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