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  Kucinich says no to U.S. Senate run
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Last EditedCraverguy  Mar 05, 2009 08:28pm
News DateMar 05, 2009 12:00pm
DescriptionFirst, Dennis Kucinich was dubbed a "centrist" in the Feb. 28 issue of the Washington-based political publication National Journal, which releases yearly "conservative vs. liberal ratings" on every member of Congress.

Then, another Washington publication called The Hill called the Cleveland Democratic congressman a "Fashion Standout" in a March 4 photo spread that featured pictures of a snazzily-attired Kucinich with his wife, Elizabeth, and with White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel.

Could this mean Kucinich is gearing up for another run at higher office, like the U.S. Senate seat to be vacated by the retirement of Republican George Voinovich?

Kucinich emphatically says: "No."

"I haven't made any move in that direction, whatsoever," says Kucinich, adding that he's happy with his job as chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on Domestic Policy, where he's scheduled a hearing next week on how banks have used federal bailout money.

Kucinich attributed his fashionista status to his wife.

"Anybody standing next to Elizabeth would look good," Kucinich said.
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