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National Security Structure Is Set
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Contributor | ArmyDem |
Last Edited | ArmyDem Feb 27, 2009 07:26pm |
Category | News |
News Date | Feb 27, 2009 07:00pm |
Description | Under Obama, Council Will Grow
By Karen DeYoung
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, February 27, 2009; Page A03
President Obama's first presidential directive, outlining the organization of his national security structure, adds the attorney general, the secretaries of energy and homeland security, and the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations to the formal National Security Council.
The four-page directive sketches wide input to NSC meetings, providing for "regular" inclusion of senior trade, economic and science advisers.
The document puts national security adviser James L. Jones firmly in charge of setting the NSC agenda and communicating Obama's decisions to the others. Jones will determine when to call White House meetings of policymaking "principals" and will police implementation of assigned tasks.
All post-World War II presidents, with the exception of Ronald Reagan in his first term, have begun their administrations with similar documents. Although most have contracted or enlarged the list of senior officials included in the formal structure -- usually by one or two officials either way -- Obama's is by far the most expansive, in keeping with his definition of national security to include economic, climate, energy and cyber-threats. |
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