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  Push made to give Phoenix's mayor 2-year extension to term
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ContributorThomas Walker 
Last EditedThomas Walker  Jan 22, 2009 08:12am
News DateJan 22, 2009 08:10am
DescriptionA proposed ballot initiative in Phoenix would hand Mayor Phil Gordon and four City Council members an extra two years in office, extending their current terms to January 2014.

It's a plan that backers say would save the city money but one that some City Hall observers believe is designed to buy time for the two-term mayor as he contemplates his next political move.

Term limits will force Gordon out of office in January 2012.

With little fanfare, the Phoenix Election Consolidation Committee, a political group led by Gordon supporters, filed initial paperwork this week to put the initiative on the city's September ballot. The proposal would eliminate staggered council terms by delaying the 2011 election for the mayor and odd-numbered council districts until 2013.

Supporters said the initiative would put all city races on the same election cycle, boost voter turnout and save the city $1 million every four years, a savings estimate the City Clerk's Office confirmed.
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