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  Grandson of area coal miner tosses hat in presidential ring
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ContributorThomas Walker 
Last EditedThomas Walker  Nov 17, 2003 10:05am
News DateNov 15, 2003 12:00am
DescriptionMark "Dick" Harnes, the grandson of a Larksville coal miner, announced his candidacy for president of the United States Friday on Public Square, Wilkes-Barre.

Harnes, a corporate secretary of an investment bank in New York, will challenge George W. Bush for the Republican nomination in the New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and New York primaries.

If history is any indication, Harnes doesn't have a chance.
Harnes received 36 votes in the 2000 New Hampshire

Republican primary election, where 238,206 votes were cast.
Arizona Sen. John McCain won with 115,606 votes, while President Bush tallied 72,330.

Harnes actually thought that was a good showing for him, though, in the only primary he entered.

"I thought that was a phenomenal turnout," said Harnes, being completely serious, about the 36 people who voted for him.

In his defense, Harnes said he only knocked on a door here and there and did minimal interviews before the election.

"I did not put the effort into the campaign that I should of," said Harnes.
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