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  Parkersburg native runs for U.S. president; one of four such candidates in West Virginia
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Last EditedRBH  Dec 23, 2008 04:03pm
News DateOct 15, 2008 04:00pm
DescriptionParkersburg native David L. Rice sent out 10,000 fliers the other day in the mail. They say "David Rice -- Democrat for President."

That's President of the United States.

You can tell. The campaign button on the literature is red, white and blue over a field of stars.

On the flier, with David's picture on the back and a campaign button on the addressed side, he notes, "David L. Rice will lead Americans in strengthening the country. He is for the implementation of ideals of the Democratic Party in the government of the United States. He seeks to improve the lives of the citizens of this country."

Rice, 60, a 1966 graduate of Parkersburg High School and a graduate of both West Virginia University and Glenville State College, said when he saw there was no real choice for voters, "I offered my services."

Rice is one of 14 official write-in candidates for the U.S. president on the Wood County ballot. Joining Rice from West Virginia in his pursuit of the highest elected office in the land are Robert Brown of Summersville, Charles G. "Bud" Railey of Bridgeport and Jan Arden Sykes of Charleston.
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