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  Who might run for Becerra's seat
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Last EditedPatrick  Dec 04, 2008 03:25pm
CategoryBlog Entry
News DateDec 04, 2008 03:00pm
DescriptionWith Los Angeles Rep. Xavier Becerra being strongly considered as the United State's next trade representative, folks might succeed him in Congress are already lining up.

The Los Angeles Times runs down the list:

Names include Los Angeles County Supervisor Gloria Molina, state Sen. Gil Cedillo and Los Angeles City Council President Eric Garcetti, each of whom represents parts of Becerra's district, which includes the heart of Los Angeles.
Cedillo released a statement Wednesday saying he was " strongly interested in pursuing this opportunity," but wanted to " consult with Congressman Becerra as well as other close friends and advisers, before making a final decision."

The Times could not reach Molina, and Garcetti called it too early to speculate.
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