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  [WI]J.B. Van Hollen's own voter registration may violate standard he's suing to enforce
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Last EditedPenguin  Oct 02, 2008 05:06pm
News DateOct 02, 2008 05:00pm
Description Wisconsin Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen could be required to update his voter registration, re-register at the polls or cast a provisional ballot in a future election, a review of state records suggests.

Van Hollen is suing the Government Accountability Board (GAB) to force it to ensure consistency between voter registration records and state Department of Transportation records. But Van Hollen appears to have his own name spelled differently in the two databases.

Although Van Hollen's registration falls outside the purview of the lawsuit because he registered in 2004, his own village clerk plans to make sure all registrations match, after the Nov. 4 election.

Last week, Dane County Judge Maryann Sumi allowed both political parties and three labor unions to intervene in the case. She also ruled that Van Hollen could continue the case even though his office represents the GAB in other matters.

The GAB estimates that more than 20% of registered Wisconsin voters have some kind of discrepancy between their voter records and driver's license records that would cause them some difficulties in voting if the standards outlined in Van Hollen's suit were applied to all Wisconsin voters.

In fact, the agency's Voter Public Access database, available at its website, shows that Van Hollen is registered to vote in Waunakee as "JOHN BYRON VANHOLLEN." (The VPA puts everything in all caps, so there's no way of knowing what letters are capitalized in his registration.)
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