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  The Difficulty of Selling Soap
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Last EditedCraverguy  Oct 01, 2008 02:36am
News DateMay 29, 1964 12:00am
Description"As far as I'm concerned," says Pierre Salinger's campaign publicist, Christy Walsh Jr., "Pierre is a bar of soap, and we're going to sell him as effectively as we can." The only trouble is, that particular bar of soap doesn't seem to be selling very well these days. By general agreement, Salinger has fallen behind State Controller Alan Cranston in their race for California's Democratic nomination to the U.S. Senate.

The latest Field poll shows Cranston 33%, Salinger 27% and Incumbent Clair Engle, whose name remains on the ballot despite his withdrawal, 17%.

On both domestic and foreign issues, Cranston and Salinger take exactly the same stands. Well, almost. Salinger has come out in favor of saving the trumpeter swan, while Cranston remains neutral on that one. In any event, their contest boils down to a major power struggle between Governor Pat Brown, who is backing Cranston, and State Assembly Speaker Jesse Unruh, who is for Salinger.
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