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  Former Arkansas Lieutenant Governor, War Hero [Nathan Green Gordon], Dies
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Last EditedRMF  Sep 17, 2008 09:05pm
News DateSep 09, 2008 09:00pm
DescriptionLITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) _ World War II hero and former Arkansas lieutenant governor Nathan Green Gordon has died at age 92, a family member confirmed Tuesday.

Gordon, who received the Medal of Honor for rescuing 15 downed airmen under enemy fire in the Pacific Theater, died Monday night shortly before midnight after suffering from pneumonia, said Allen Gordon of Morrilton, a nephew of Gordon's.

Born in Morrilton, Gordon graduated from the University of Arkansas law school in 1939 and began his practice in his home town. He signed up for selective service in 1940 and later learned how to fly when he was called up to serve by the U.S. Navy.
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