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  Bolivia orders U.S. ambassador expelled
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Last EditedPatrick  Sep 11, 2008 06:00pm
News DateSep 11, 2008 05:00pm
DescriptionBolivian President Evo Morales ordered the expulsion Wednesday of the U.S. ambassador to his country, accusing him of fostering divisions in the deeply fractured Andean nation.

The move comes as tensions rise and violence increases in states opposed to the leftist policies of Morales. The president has regularly accused Washington and its ambassador of plotting against him.

"The one who conspires against democracy and above all seeks the division of Bolivia is the ambassador of the United States," Morales said during a speech at the presidential palace.

Ambassador Philip S. Goldberg, a veteran diplomat who has served more than two years in La Paz, Bolivia's administrative capital, was declared persona non grata and will have to leave the country, probably within 48 to 72 hours.
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