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  11th Congressional District Ward leaders choose Marcia Fudge
Parent(s) Race  -
Last EditedRBH  Sep 10, 2008 08:02pm
News DateSep 10, 2008 08:00pm
DescriptionWarrensville Heights Mayor Marcia Fudge is the choice of Democratic ward leaders to replace the late Stephanie Tubbs Jones in Congress.

After hearing from eight candidates to fill the vacated seat for the 11th Congressional District Wednesday evening, 12 of the 22 Democratic ward leaders who attended the special meeting voted to endorse Fudge.

None of the other candidates received more than three votes.

Though voters will decide Nov. 4 who will take over the seat in January, the Democratic nomination for the heavily-Democratic district covering the east side of Cleveland and several eastern suburbs has been a virtual guarantee of winning in the past.

The party will select Tubbs Jones' replacement on the ballot Thursday night through a vote of about 330 executive committee members who live in the district.
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