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  Reporter bounced from hotel where Frank Jackson, Lous Stokes' committee interviews congressional candidates
Parent(s) Race  -
Last EditedRBH  Sep 08, 2008 07:12pm
News DateSep 08, 2008 07:00pm
DescriptionA Plain Dealer reporter was ejected from the InterContinental Hotel & Conference Center early this evening while trying to cover a meeting of a committee formed by Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson and former congressman Louis Stokes to help pick a new congressman for the area.

Jackson and Stokes intend for the panel to recommend a replacement for the late Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones. The name of the committee's choice will be forwarded to the Cuyahoga County Democratic Party. Party members are to pick Tubbs Jones' replacement for the November ballot on Thursday.

The reporter, Patrick O'Donnell, had planned to interview the seven candidates as they left their sessions with the committee. The interviews were to start at 6 p.m. Before they began, a hotel security guard told O'Donnell he could not stand near the meeting room. Not long afterward, O'Donnell was informed by a Jackson aide that no media was allowed on the floor.

Mintues later, after O'Donnell had taken a seat in the lobby, two other security guards told him the committee had stated they did not want any media in the building, so O'Donnell was told to leave the Carnegie Avenue facility.

Some members of the county Democratic Party have stated they did not need Stokes and Jackson to tell them how to vote in picking Tubbs Jones' successor for the 11th District Congressional seat. Thursday's Democrat meeting, at Euclild High School, is to be open to the public.
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