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  Ohio Rep. Tubbs Jones on Life Support After Aneurysm
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Last EditedMonsieur  Aug 20, 2008 12:58pm
News DateAug 20, 2008 12:00pm
DescriptionRep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones was clinging to life Wednesday in an Ohio hospital after suffering an aneurysm a day earlier while driving.

A source familiar with the situation told CQ that while Tubbs Jones is “technically still with us,” a decision has been made to take her off life support.

Tubbs Jones, a Democrat who has represented Ohio’s 11th District since 1999 and is chairwoman of the House’s ethics committee, suffered the aneurysm Tuesday night while driving near her hometown of Cleveland. She was admitted to Huron Hospital.

Tubbs Jones, who would turn 60 on Sept. 10, was scheduled to attend the Democratic National Convention next week as a superdelegate.

“Tuesday’s condition followed a full day of activity, including planning for an upcoming forum on electoral reform, scheduled for September 4, 2008 at Cleveland State University,” according to a statement released earlier Wednesday from her office.
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