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  Clement's drug remarks 'repugnant': doctor
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Last EditedMonsieur  Aug 20, 2008 09:36am
News DateAug 20, 2008 09:00am
DescriptionVANCOUVER -- A doctor who works with addicts at North America's only supervised injection site says Health Minister Tony Clement's slam against physicians who support the facility is "repugnant" and "introduces an element of ugliness into the discussion."

Dr. Gabor Mate said Tuesday he is outraged by Clement's suggestion that doctors who permit or encourage patients to shoot up at the Vancouver site, called Insite, lack medical ethics.

"As an expression of somebody who calls himself a minister of health, it's a very unhealthy statement," Mate said.

"The repugnant aspect is his attack on the morality and ethics of human beings who are trying to work with a very difficult population.

"I mean where does he come off? Where does he appoint himself as a moral judge of professionals who he doesn't understand and knows nothing about?"

On Monday, Clement told an annual gathering of doctors in Montreal that the controversial supervised injection site, where addicts shoot up their own drugs under medical supervision, has created a "slippery slope."

"Is it unethical for health-care professionals to support the administration of drugs that are of unknown substance or purity or potency, drugs that cannot otherwise be legally prescribed?" Clement said in a speech.
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