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  Gephardt will not seek re-election
Parent(s) Race  -
Last EditedRP  Jan 06, 2003 04:41pm
News DateJan 06, 2003 04:41pm
Description Whether he wins or loses his bid for the presidency, Rep. Richard A. Gephardt has decided against running for re-election next year to the U.S. House seat that he's held for 26 years.

Although his Washington office declined comment, campaign sources close to Gephardt, D-St. Louis County, confirmed Monday that his next term as the 3rd District's congressman will be his last. On Tuesday, he'll be sworn in to his 14th term, which he won on Nov. 5.

Gephardt's intentions are what prompted one of his close local allies -- state Sen. Steve Stoll, D-Festus -- to announce Monday that he's seeking to be elected as Gephardt's successor.

"We're pretty close on issues,'' said Stoll, a former Social Studies teacher who has been in the state Legislature for 10 years.

Stoll said he talked to Gephardt's campaign aides on Saturday to inform them of his plans. Although Gephardt, 61, hasn't officially told Stoll that he won't seek re-election, Stoll said that is his impression.
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