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  [Sen. Tom] Coburn's violation: Working as a doc
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Last EditedMonsieur  Aug 12, 2008 12:42pm
News DateAug 12, 2008 12:00pm
DescriptionBy MARTIN KADY II

The Senate Ethics Committee has told Republican Sen. Tom Coburn that he’ll be engaged in a “serious violation of Senate rules” if he continues delivering babies back home in Oklahoma.

Coburn’s response: So what?

“On my own time, I’m taking care of women who have a need, and I’m going to continue to deliver babies,” Coburn, an obstetrician, told Politico. “I’m not going to stop.”

Coburn would not say specifically whether he has actually delivered a baby since the June 22 deadline set by the Ethics Committee, but he made it clear that he could deliver one any day now — and thereby force the Ethics Committee to put up or shut up.

Coburn — an irascible Republican known as Dr. No — has been fighting with the Ethics Committee for years over whether he can continue to practice medicine.
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