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  [IL-10] Rep. Mark Kirk sees 2nd foe knocked off ballot
Parent(s) Race  -
ContributorTX DEM 
Last EditedTX DEM  Aug 03, 2008 03:13pm
News DateJul 30, 2008 03:00pm
DescriptionIndependent candidate Allan Stevo's nominating petitions to run for the north suburban 10th District congressional seat did not have enough signatures, prompting the Illinois State Board of Elections to bar his name from the ballot, a board spokesman said Wednesday.

"The signature requirement was over 10,000, and he turned in around 7,000," the spokesman said. Stevo, 28, a Highwood resident, vowed to appeal the board's July 21 ruling in federal court.

Last month, the elections board removed Green Party candidate David Kalbfleisch of Arlington Heights, ruling that the party did not conform to legal procedures for placing candidates on the ballot.

Incumbent U.S. Rep. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) is seeking re-election to a fifth term.
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