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  Kolbe Pulls His Support From Bee
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Last Editedkarin1492  Jul 05, 2008 12:45am
News DateJul 05, 2008 12:00am
DescriptionRetired Congressman Jim Kolbe has ended his support of Tim Bee’s congressional campaign.

“I will not be actively campaigning for Bee,” the former Republican congressman said during a telephone interview with the Herald/Review on Thursday. Kolbe, whose district included Cochise County and whose seat in Congress is now held by Democrat Gabrielle Giffords, hosted a fundraiser recently for fellow Republican Bee at his Washington, D.C., home.

Tom Dunn, a spokesman for the Bee campaign, also confirmed Kolbe’s decision.

“For personal reasons, Mr. Kolbe is no longer associated with our campaign,” Dunn said.

Neither Kolbe nor Dunn provided specific reasons for the former congressman dropping out of campaigning for Bee.

The retired congressman was adamant during the interview with the Herald/Review in refusing to say why he was severing his ties with the Bee campaign.

When asked if Bee’s vote in support of putting a potential gay marriage ban in Arizona on the ballot had anything to do with the issue, Dunn also refused to cite what Kolbe’s personal reasons were.
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