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  No Illinois Challenges to Any Presidential Petition
Parent(s) Race  -
ContributorThomas Walker 
Last EditedThomas Walker  Jul 01, 2008 10:44am
News DateJul 01, 2008 10:00am
DescriptionToday was the last day for anyone in Illinois to file an objection to a petition filed by an independent candidate, or the petition of a previously unqualified or new party. No one challenged any of the four petitions turned in for president. Those petitions were for the Libertarian, Constitution and New Parties, and Ralph Nader as an independent.

The Libertarian and Constitution Parties also have a candidate for U.S. Senate listed on their petitions. The Constitution statewide petition only has 300 signatures on it. However, under Illinois rules, that is enough, given that no one challenged.

The New Party turned in a petition form that had the top part filled out correctly, listing John Joseph Polachek as its presidential candidate. It listed no one for vice-president and no one for U.S. Senate, and has zero signatures. But because no one challenged, it is also now valid. Illinois law allows substitution, so if John Joseph Polachek does not wish to actually run for president, he and the substitution committee are free to choose someone else for president, and anyone they wish for vice-president.

The two Libertarian candidates for U.S. House were challenged, as was independent U.S. House candidate Allan Stevo.
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