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  Endorsement of assemblyman: Fact or fiction?
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Contributor*crickets chirp* 
Last Edited*crickets chirp*  Oct 24, 2003 11:58am
News DateOct 24, 2003 12:00am
Description"At first, Assemblyman Jeff Van Drew said he was embarrassed to find out he was running re-election ads touting his endorsement by an advocacy group that had only three members.

Now, he's embarrassed again: The group says it never endorsed Van Drew, D-Cape May Court House.

A radio ad promoting Van Drew noted his re-election bid was backed by the South Jersey Taxpayers Association, whose endorsement wound up the focus of a dispute in the 4th District race between state Sen. George Geist, R-Gloucester Township, and Democratic challenger Fred Madden.

When Van Drew learned the group existed for only a month and had just three members, he said he'd stop advertising its endorsement.

Then the group, which now boasts 12 members, had another shocker. Its founder, Gerard Banmiller, said there had been no such endorsement for Van Drew."

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