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  Ohio Republicans pulling for Clinton to win
Parent(s) Race  -
Last EditedRBH  Feb 23, 2008 05:27pm
News DateFeb 23, 2008 05:25pm
DescriptionOne of the worst-kept secrets of the Ohio presidential primary is that Republican Party leaders have a candidate they are rooting for on the Democratic side.

Her name is Hillary Rodham Clinton; and they believe that if she wins the Ohio primary and goes on to become the Democratic nominee, she will be the one who unites their dispirited and divided party and gives them their best chance of keeping the White House this fall.

It is a belief that the Clinton campaign says is wrong; and they will campaign across the state for the next three weeks making the argument that their battle-tested, experienced candidate is the only one who can go toe-to-toe with John McCain, the presumptive GOP nominee. this fall.


State Rep. Kevin DeWine, R-Fairborn, soon to become Ohio Republican Party chairman, made no bones about who he wants to win Ohio when he went head-to-head last month with Ohio Democratic Party Chairman Chris Redfern at a Clermont County Chamber of Commerce luncheon in Eastgate.

TV news anchor Jack Atherton, the moderator of the Clermont Chamber debate, asked the Democrat Redfern whom he favored for the Democratic nomination- Clinton or Obama.

Redfern demurred, saying that, as party chairman, he would remain neutral. But DeWine piped up immediately.

"I'm endorsing Hillary," DeWine said, setting off laughter in the largely Republican chamber crowd.

DeWine went on to say he believed Clinton was the Democrat with the "high negatives" that the GOP nominee could exploit; and the candidate who would motivate the Republican base.
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