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  Arkansas's 'Queen of Fun' Could Shake Up Washington
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ContributorThe Sunset Provision 
Last EditedThe Sunset Provision  Jan 19, 2008 12:12am
News DateJan 19, 2008 12:00am
DescriptionIn this tumultuous campaign season, she's always been the inconspicuous presence at her husband's side, standing just behind him, quietly offering support.

But anybody who thinks Janet Huckabee is background material, hasn't heard of her high-profile daredevil days as Arkansas' first lady.

In those days, Mrs. Huckabee, or Mrs. H -as she's known- could be seen jumping out of planes, playing paintball, paddling in a cardboard canoe and brandishing a rifle (yes, she hunts -- turkey usually, but she's also trapped bears).

"Jumping out of the airplane was not something I was afraid to do... The bears were asleep. That's not a big deal... The things that bother me, that I fear the most are people. I think it's frightening to be in large crowds. I am not one who likes to be in front of a lot of people," Mrs. H told ABC News correspondent Claire Shipman.

She said her husband's presidential campaign has been something of a challenge, but she is adjusting.

"Doesn't God have a sense of humor -- to make me first lady?" Huckabee said. "To be in crowds, to speak to people, to sit at head tables -- those kinds of things were difficult on me at first. I am enjoying them now."

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