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  Mayor beats Simmons 2 to 1
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Last EditedArmyDem  Oct 15, 2003 02:07pm
News DateOct 15, 2003 12:00am
DescriptionHis campaign opponents said it was time for Mayor Bobby Bright to take a hike. At the end of a sometimes bruising election season, he just strolled back into office in a victory march.

Montgomery voters spoke clearly Tuesday, re-electing the freshman mayor over five challengers -- and by a 2-1 margin over his closest rival, Scott Simmons.

Complete but unofficial results showed a total of 44,445 votes were cast in the mayoral election.

Watching from big-screen televisions at the Montgomery Civic Center, Bright's supporters applauded and cheered as results came in showing he was the winner. They still were waiting for their man to show up 45 minutes later in what he promised would be a victory walk from City Hall.

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